Sar-e-Sang Mines
- Apophyllite
- Afghanistan Minerals
- Amazonite
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Apatite
- Apophyllite and Zeolites
- Beryl
- Calcite
- Cavansite / Pentagonite
- Chrysocolla and Native Copper - Copper Web
- Color Change Diaspore
- Fossils
- Geodes
- Grape Agate / Botryoidal Amethyst
- Hackmanite, Afghanite, Sodalite, Lapis, Lazurite
- Himalayan Crystals
- Gift Cards
- All Pieces
- Quartz
- Rhodochrosite
- Bulk Crystals
- Fluorescent Minerals
- Jewelry
- Polished Specimens
- Tourmaline
Mineral Specimens
- Axinite
- Celestine/Celestite
- Crystal Grid Kits
- Diopside
- Epidotes
- Epidote and Diopside
- Feldspar
- Fluorites
- Garnets
- Hackmanite
- Indonesian Specimens
- Kosovo Specimens
- Metallic Mineral Specimens
- Lapis
- Lepidolite
- Magnetite
- Mica
- Mixed / Combo Specimens
- Nephrite Jade
- Opalized Petrified Wood, Palm Root Ball, Indo Agates
- Other
- Pyrite
- Ruby
- Sar-e-Sang Mines
- Scapolite
- Sodalite
- Sphalerite
- Spinel
- Spodumene
- Titanite (sphene)
- Topaz
- Turkey Rocks, Minerals, and Crystals
- Vesuvianite / Idocrase
- Zircon