ONE (1) Corundum var. Ruby Crystal
You will receive ONE (1) Corundum varietal Ruby crystal.
Fluorescent with 365nm long wave UV
Size: average 1 to 1.5 cm each, 1 to 2 grams each.
From Badakhshan, Afghanistan
You will receive ONE (1) Corundum varietal Ruby crystal.
Fluorescent with 365nm long wave UV
Size: average 1 to 1.5 cm each, 1 to 2 grams each.
From Badakhshan, Afghanistan
You will receive ONE (1) Corundum varietal Ruby crystal.
Fluorescent with 365nm long wave UV
Size: average 1 to 1.5 cm each, 1 to 2 grams each.
From Badakhshan, Afghanistan